What Is Attractive To Women? Not What You Think.
Oct 26, 2024
From books by pickup artists to instructional videos by porn stars, what is attractive to women is a dangerously misunderstood topic.
I can’t think of a topic on which more snake oil is peddled, so I’d like to offer you a straightforward way of understanding the fundamentals of what women find attractive.
I’m writing from a man’s perspective but stick around if you’re a woman. This will be useful when talking with your man about what you find sexually attractive.
Along the way, I’m going to oversimplify, generalize, and embrace gender stereotypes and heterosexual examples. If you’re cool with that, let’s go…
Sex therapist Esther Perel famously asks women this question in her live seminars:
“What’s one thing that your man could do to make you more attracted and open to sex?”
Can you guess what the most common answer is?
“Help with the dishes!”
If that makes no sense to you, I feel your pain… so you’re not alone.
I recently explained this phenomenon in one of my newsletters. The next day, I received this upset message from a guy named Max:
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